happened! Cried an elderly person in anguish as he sat playing bridge with some
charming women, in a club on a fine evening.
happened?” asked the young woman next to him.
“A stroke: My left side is paralyzed.”
“Are you
sure?” asked the young lady.
“Yes, yes,”
groaned the elderly person. “I’ve been pinching my left leg for the past few
minutes and feel no sensation whatsoever.”
“Relax!” said
the young lady. Further, she continued
with a deep exhale as if she were in a yoga pose. “That was my leg you were
pinching.” It could be written off as a
cartoonist portrayal of a bizarre and confused status of a mind, body and

Irrespective of the age
factor a need for deep rest and recuperation that is often lacking in our over stimulated
lives. Many lead overly busy lives where even time off is scheduled and
dictated by what is trendy. But quick fixes don't have lasting effects. We
know that it's good to connect with nature and to simplify our material
lives. But exactly what does that take in practice? In the near future, a
complete well being of mental, physical and spiritual status is not and will
not be a choice for the tourists or international traveler alone. If only
someone or something could take our pains and problems away; if only pampering
or prescriptions were the answers. A spa for every home and wellness centre for
every flat or community will become a necessity more than a luxury. Our
ancestors very well realized and practiced it, well designed natural bathing
ponds near to temples and houses were a classic example of this quest for
wellness. The Romans, in the early centuries of BC have realized the same and
their legions
built their military camps at hot springs, where healing waters “poured forth.”
the recent past, tourism industry in general, particularly in Kerala has been
giving a lot of emphasis to wellness. You cannot imagine an advertisement or
feature on Kerala tourism without a depiction of the rich old traditions of
ayurveda. In fact, a picture or a photograph of a ‘shirodhara’ or an abhyangam
performed by a charming Saree clad Keralite woman has become a second symbol of
Kerala tourism or the wellness tourism. Our rich traditional systems of healing
practiced and perfected by the great sages and seers, show cases a gold mine of
cultural heritage and proven system of knowledge on health and life style. As a
matter of fact, at a Spa or wellness centre in Kerala, the West and East meets
in unison, through a harmonious fusion in wellness – as a life style.
As the health tourism in general and wellness industry in
particular is enfolding us a very large canvas, a broader horizon of
opportunities; it would be ideal to have a conceptual understanding of the same.
Ayurvedic traditions do not treat a patient in parts rather it treats him/her as
a person, from a holistic wellness point. However our common knowledge or
notion about a spa or wellness centre quickly associates to the words
reflection, rejuvenation, relaxation, revive etc, some of these adjectives are
names of wellness centers in resorts and hotels as well. And very often they
focus everything to one angle that is the therapy, treatment or the massage
performed inside the four walls of a treatment room. This narrow notion is
often misleading too; as it is sometimes attributed as cross gender massage etc.
Hence it is imperative to understand a wider perspective about a wellness
centre or SPA and the concept of holistic wellness.
According to Jonathan Paul De Vierville, Ph.D., director of Alamo Plaza Spa in San
Antonio, Texas and the secretary of the ISPA Foundation and a member of the
Medical Spa Advisory Committee: “Regardless of the spa type, the
true purpose of spa is to provide, through some form of the waters, helpful
health services and treatments that are relaxing, restful, regenerative and
socially re-creative. To suggest or claim otherwise is missing the main meaning
of spa. Spa is not a pampering escape or self-indulgent avoidance. It is a necessary
way of life that consists of services, activities and therapies best done
within the wholeness, harmony, balance and rhythms of nature’s blood and water.
Unfortunately, the original intentions of spa are often lost in the immediate
rush to retail and quota sales.”
The domains and dimensions of a SPA
conventional school of thought focuses SPA as Solus per Aqua or Healing through water. In the recent past there
is another school of thought that is treating or defining SPA from a Solus Per Art or healing through art concept
which is becoming popular and it opens us a mine of opportunities as well.
Solus per Aqua – Healing through water
So, what really is “spa”? The origin of the word gives us a clue.
Etymologically, spa is traced from the Latin verb “spargere,” to pour forth.
Roman legions built their military camps at hot springs, where healing waters
“poured forth.” Also, the acronym S.P.A., referring to salus
per aqua (health
through water), was scrawled on the brick walls of many Roman thermal
The origins and true definition of spa recognize and include an
important cultural dimension and a social institution that provide for a place
and time for not only healthcare services and therapeutic treatments, but also
cultural activities, shared events, societal leisure, relaxation and renewal.
All of these features in combination eventually spawned the emergence of the
contemporary spa industry with its related professions and culture.
Fundamentally, a spa is an eco-socio-cultural learning community
and civil institution that attempts to bring together and truthfully integrate
all the dynamic dimensions of time and space, temperatures, touch and
therapeutic treatments within a supporting context of goodness, beauty, harmony
and wholeness of nature.
10 domains of Spa defined by ISPA (International Spa Professionals Association)
is worth knowing for anyone, and especially for the professionals in the
tourism industry.
Waters: The internal and external use of water in its many
forms. 'Water is nature's sense organ'. Let's extend our perception of water
as a utility for drinking and washing to water as a
vital medium for life, transformation, creativity, and healing. Not only
can it enhance our sense of wellbeing, it can also expand our inner and outer
awareness, and inspire life-affirming action.
- Nourishment: What
we feed ourselves: food, herbals, supplements and medicines.
- Movement: Vitality
and energy through movement, exercise, stretching and fitness.
- Touch: Connectivity
and communication embraced through touch, massage and bodywork.
- Integration: The
personal and social relationship between mind, body, spirit and environment.
- Aesthetics: Our
concept of beauty and how botanical agents relate to the biochemical
components of the body.
- Environment: Location,
placement, weather patterns, water constitution, natural agents and social
- Cultural Expression: The
spiritual belief systems, the value of art and the scientific and
political view of the time.
- Social Contribution: Commerce,
volunteer efforts, and intention as they relate to well-being.
- Time, Space Rhythms: The
perception of space and time and its relationship to natural cycles and
Our bodies generate heat through a variety of metabolic mechanisms
from the food we digest and liquids we drink. We dissipate approximately 85
percent of body heat through the skin. The skin serves as the principal area of
entry and exit for heat and cold within the body; the skin provides the primary
link between the body’s temperatures and the brain’s hypothalamus. The two
linking pathways between the skin and the hypothalamus are through the
peripheral nervous system and the circulation system’s capillaries, the small
lacework of blood vessels that reach from our fingertips to our toes.
Spa involves not only the role of the skin but also the rhythm of daily
activities and nighttime sleep. Spa time and temperature touches the whole
person in full time/space and energy. Spa is more than skin deep; spa is also
deep dreaming sleep.
a spa or wellness centre or destination spa resort to get qualified – it
should be less technology based, simple and inviting; set at the backdrop
of a natural ambience, because technology degenerates where as nature
regenerates and there
is a very big difference'. 'A spa is a place with the purpose of
facilitating whole human health care, wellness and social well-being.’ ‘Fundamentally,
a spa is an eco-socio-cultural learning community and civil institution
that attempts to bring together and truthfully integrate all the dynamic
dimensions of time and space, temperatures, touch and therapeutic
treatments within a supporting context of goodness, beauty, harmony and wholeness of
A Spa culture is a
blending of four areas, and, for Jonathan, spa as culture encompasses all
- Art - in terms of beauty and
- Science and technology - what
is repeatable and provable
- Politics (including economics
and law) - relationships and values
- Spirituality - the mystical,
It is saddening to note
that the emphasis has shifted from spa culture to spa industry, slowly
consuming and diluting the other three areas through commoditization, and the
marketing of that which was previously sacred. Wellness loses its soul in
retails and sustains when focused in service. The mushrooming massage parlors
along with some of the well designed and run branded Spas in the resorts, hotels
and day spas in different destinations across Kerala.
If Kerala is the God’s own country, with its age old
cultural heritage in art, knowledge, wellness, naturally blessed landscapes with
fresh water bodies, pristine costal lines, inviting mountains; and above all as
a spiritual hub of cohesive living could very well be qualified as the ‘The World Spa”. This could be achieved
with minimum investments, coupled with a commitment for the genuine wellness of
people and our fragile environment, a passion for wellness education, a
societal acceptance of the wellness industry without ambiguities, as a
respectable and value added profession worth cherishing. Welcome to a world of
wellbeing in Kerala; physically … mentally and spiritually; encompassing its
magnificent mountains, sensual backwaters, pristine beaches and its vibrant
culture and heritage.
Johnson Joseph
Founder Director – Sisal Wellness & Hospitality Pvt Ltd,
Kochi, Kerala, India